first main symptom of appendicitis is pain in the abdomen. The pain may be a
sharp colic pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen as well as back and
the rectum. And other symptoms includes
nausea, vomiting, fever may be more than 100 degree, abdominal cramps,
abdominal tenderness, less appetite, painful urinations, and diarrhea or
facts regarding the inflammation of appendix are given below:
- Appendicitis is
caused due to infection in the portion of appendix; normally it is the
blockage of appendix.
- Several conditions
can imitate appendicitis.
- CT scanning,
ultrasound, X-rays, urine examination, rectal examination and blood
(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) examination is helpful when identifying
- You cannot identify
with single test to diagnose the appendicitis.
- You should not
delay to perform surgery when there is appendix rupture in serious
average length of the appendix is 11 centimeters, but it will range from two to
twenty centimeters. The diameter is in
between seven and eight millimeters. The
structure of the appendix in human is vestigial structure.

the time of operation if there is not rupture in the area of appendix, your
doctor will send you to your home within a couple of days from the place where
you have admitted in the hospital. In
case if there is rupture in the portion of appendix, you have to stay in the
hospital for at least a week. It depends
upon the condition of your body.