Thursday, December 27, 2012

Uses and health benefits of hibiscus sabdariffa (gongura in telugu)

Uses of hibiscus sabdariffa (gongura in telugu)
Hibiscus sabdariffa has several culinary uses.  The most famous is pickled version.  The leaves of hibiscus sabdariffa are used for flavor soups as well as tender leaves are used as the salad green.  They are also added for the sake of refreshing touch to all sandwiches.  Recipes that are well known are made up of hibiscus sabdariffa as main ingredient for making dhal and pickle.  Apart from curries several varieties pickles are made up of hibiscus sabdariffa. 

Health benefits of hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus sabdariffa is rich in lutein, vitamin A. vitamin C and iron that are maintained for eye vision. 

Leaves that are fresh have properties of anti-bacteria.
As cooling drink, hibiscus sabdariffa is used to relieve from fever symptoms.
Fresh leaves are used for motivating the enzymes of stomach that aids in the purpose of digestion. 

Parts used: seeds, leaves, flowers and roots

Tea for ague fever and hot flashes
You should add four ounces of dried or fresh roots or leaves or flowers to four cups of boiling water.  After half an hour strain it.  You will get four cups of tea decoction. Cool this decoction and drink it straightly now and then if required.

Tea for blood purifying and for worms
You should add one ounce of hibiscus sabdariffa seeds to two cups of boiling water.  Slow flame should be kept. You should sim for ten minutes.  Then make it cool and strain it.  It makes two cups. Straightly you should drink it.  You should drink two times a day for seven days.  Then you should skip for three days, and then repeat the same procedure until the symptoms goes away. 

Tea for the purpose of invest stings
You should add one ounce of seeds, leaves and ground roots which is combined to two cups of boiling water.  Two to three minutes you should keep in slow flame and heat it.  Close with a lid and keep it for fifteen minutes.  Strain off the tea. It makes nearly two cups. 
You should apply wet warm tea to the stings.  Until the sting heals you should apply this tea. 

Tea for kidney stones and jaundice
You should ass one ounce of dried and fresh ground hibiscus sabdariffa root to four cups of boiling water.  Keep the flam slimmer for five minutes and then keep it until it becomes cool.  It makes six doses. 
You should drink only one dose thrice a day for fifteen days.  Then you should skip for a week, then repeat the same procedure if required.  

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